- I think about my good, close friends and all the fun, ridiculous times we've spent together. (Facebook's new Activity Log is actually a pretty good way to do that!)
- I take care of myself - go running, make a good dinner, or go to bed early.
- I treat myself to a little pick me up - nice piece of chocolate, cold beer, lunch with a friend.
- If I feel like I need to vent or say something to someone, I write it in my journal first, or think about what exactly I would say. (And depending on the situation, follow through and actually talk with the person.)
- I look through photos, read a good book or watch a movie. Anything to think about something completely different.
- I listen to ridiculous music and sing along. And dance. Like a buffoon.
December 22, 2011
a recipe for a better day
December 11, 2011
I'm obviously not the first person to discover Paseo El Carmen but it is a relatively new place for hanging out, and therefore it feels like I'm "discovering" it with everyone else. The Paseo is a couple blocks of walking friendly streets, lined with small bars, restaurants, art galleries, cafes, stores etc. and it's about a 5 minute drive away from my new house. About a year ago, the mayor began encouraging development of this area, complete with wide sidewalks, nice street lamps etc. And the change has been incredible.
Last night some friends and I went out to try a new bar and the whole Paseo was packed! The streets were closed to car traffic, so food vendors had set up in the street, along with artists, used book sellers, and street performers. There was a constant flow of people walking around, exploring, and greeting one another. Families, foreigners, locals, couples, youth and older people - all enjoying the incredibly pleasant atmosphere. Most of the bars and restaurants set up some additional tables and chairs in the street, so the whole area had the feel of a street fair. There was live music on lots of street corners. It's really nice to find a place that feels homey, comfortable, and walkable. A nice treat in any city! I'll definitely be exploring it more.
November 23, 2011
donate it if you got it
ready to "snip". She had to kind of saw away for a couple seconds. I'm telling you, I have LOTS of hair. |
all done! |
November 22, 2011
lime leader
So you can imagine my excitement when we got off the plane in Fort Lauderdale and I was the first. one. off. the. plane! We had seats in first class - it was on Spirit so it wasn't a huge deal or anything. So that's why I got to walk off the plane first. It was a big day, it was a big day!
I get easily excited. Sometimes it's almost too easy. |
November 17, 2011
vacation - twice as nice with no shoes
I really don't like to wear shoes. We lived for two years in Japan when I was little and my parents say that that's where they picked up the tradition, but however it came about, it stuck. We always take off our shoes as soon as we walk in the door. But I also like to be barefoot outside. In fact, I prefer being barefoot outside. It just feels...right.
So when I was able to spend an entire day - no, longer - probably about 40 hours, without shoes, I would have to say that that was an incredible day. My parents and I stayed at an eco-lodge on a beach in El Salvador. It's on a spit of sand wedged between an estuary with mangroves, and a beautiful white sand beach. Our second day there we had breakfast in the open air restaurant - with no shoes on, then went walking on the beach - still no shoes on, then to the pool, then lunch, after was hammock time, then the bar for happy hour and then dinner. All without putting on a single shoe, not even a sandal, flip flop or gina. It was glorious. I highly recommend it. Even if you stay in your house all day, still try to do it without shoes on. It just feels so much more like a vacation.
everyone say it with me *ahhhhhh* |
November 14, 2011
And I know why. But I still try to keep her quiet. So I *chit* her. It's that corrective sound like Cesar Milan, the dog whisperer, does. It's really effective. It's also a very salvadoran sound so people always look at me like, "who are you and where did you learn that?!?" Or they just laugh at me. But it's the perfect sound for a dog because its distracts them for just long enough that they stop what they're doing. So she knows that whining is bad because I've *chit*ed her doing it. So now she kind of does this deep, short grunt, kind of like a hrrmph. It's like she's saying I really want to whine at the top of my lungs, but I know you won't let me, so I'm just gonna....hrrrmph! Sometimes its kind of like a sigh, other times like a moan, but whatever it is, it makes me laugh. Because it's super quiet and she looks at me with this pleeeeeease let me be loud?!? look on her face. It just makes me want to hug her. She's my Monkey.
She's such a good dog. She makes me happy every day. |
November 11, 2011
my daily chuckle
a few days ago I saw a bus plastered front to back and top to bottom on all sides with a Coca Cola Christmas ad - you know the one with the smiling Santa, right? Well, that one. However, some genius at Coca Cola, or maybe someone at the bus company, decided that the bus needed even more flair so they strung up Christmas lights around the outside of the bus. But not just any Christmas lights - purple, flashing Christmas lights. I was coming home one night on a bus and saw this special edition Christmas bus coming down the street. (If that crazy bus had pulled up at the bus stop I was waiting at, I don't know if I would have gotten on. Maybe just to see if it was decked out on the inside as well...) But anyway, both buses stopped at an intersection and my bus driver (driving the plain, generic, boring bus) gave the other bus driver (the one driving the Christmas extravaganza) a little head nod. I think that head nod was meant to say "Dude, I'm soooo sorry that you have to drive around in that crazy bus, but the fact that it's you and not me just makes me laugh even harder." Or at least, that's what I would have said.
this morning I saw a man sitting on a park bench texting. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Except it was in a park, it was in front of a McDonald's. And the bench wasn't a normal bench, it had one of those plastic Ronald McDonald figures in the middle so people can take pictures sitting with him. Well this man was texting with his hand holding the cell phone resting on Ronald's knee. (I mean, let's be honest, texting is tiring. It's only natural to look for some support, right?!) The moment could have been romantic, if it weren't for the plastic-y yellowness of Ronald. But it was mostly just a good chuckle for me.
and the ever popular misunderstood t-shirts. Classic favorites - the granny wearing a "gansta fo life" t-shirt, a 10 year old boy with "gold digger" plastered on his shirt, or the adolescent boy sporting a long sleeve t with "preggers princess" across the chest. Those are enough to make anybodies day.
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how about a nice afternoon at the beach? that sure makes my day! |
November 8, 2011
When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I see out of my window is the San Salvador volcano. Most mornings, there is a little cap of clouds sitting on top. The sunrise lights up this little cap and makes me smile.
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When you possess light within, you see it externally. ~Anaïs Nin |
November 5, 2011
have the courage to live your life with happiness
It has a simple drawing of a sun and a simple quote. nothing more. And the quote reads "have the courage to live your life with happiness". I think of myself as someone who lives her life with direction, or purpose or focus, but I realized that too often, I forget to live my life with happiness. And so I'm trying to change that. I plan to focus this blog more on happy happenings, or just happenings. Daily snippets as it were.
I remember when we were little, our mom had the family share "happy happenings" every night at the dinner table. She would write down, uncensored, whatever we said in a notebook. I don't specifically remember any of them, but I'm sure my 4th grade self had some awesome happy happenings. Today my tomagochi pet learned how to roll over! So I'm taking a page from that old notebook, wherever you may be! and I'm beginning with my own happy happenings.
I went for a run this morning, and decided to focus my run on effort, or lack thereof. By this I mean that I tried to run as effortlessly as possible. I've been doing some research lately into different ways to run. Specifically the 100 ups, Pose method, and Chi Running. (Two caveats - 1) these methods are also used to encourage barefoot running. I am not discouraging or encouraging barefoot running. Decide what is best for you. 2) Some sport scientists say that these methods of running reduce "economy" i.e. speed. While that might be true, I for one am not looking to win any races, I'm looking to go long distances, hard, without hurting myself.) They all focus on mid-foot striking instead of heel or toe striking, which has never been a huge problem for me, but more importantly they encourage you to focus on quick leg pace, picking up your knees - marching band style, and picking up your feet - kick-butt style. Elite runners (and all runners really) often warm up with high knees and butt kicks but it's not just to stretch muscles, it's because those are the motions that your legs should go through when you run. Going faster by extending your stride is a sure-fire way to injury. Instead, focus on picking up your feet more quickly. The more time your feet spend on the ground, the slower you go.
So in short, I did all that, or tried my best to do it, and let me tell you, my run was amazing. It felt light, effortless, free, even painless, so I was able to do more distance, and able to do it faster than I normally do. So a great workout is my happy happening for today. What's yours?
Happy happening from last weekend - releasing baby sea turtles into the ocean! My job is awesome. |
September 2, 2011
doors of opportunities
In the mean time I am beginning to wind things down here in site - saying good-bye's, writing final reports, and deciding what to do with all my stuff! It feels incredible that two years have flown by; it really does feel as if I just arrived. I think that is compounded by the fact that I finally feel as if I've hit my stride and have gained the confidence and friendship of many community members. Therefore, it seems a little unfortunate that I'm leaving, but in terms of professional development and future goals, it seems like the best choice.
So as one incredible experience begins to wind down, another one begins. I will continue this blog as a record of happenings in my life.
June 10, 2011
one of my favorite way to take photos of people is to ask for their "biggest fact" and then "little face". you get some great shots that way!
it's a Ramsar World Convention Wetlands Site and we went there as part of our teacher training to show teachers how to do field trips and be more active in their teaching styles, specifically when it comes to environmental education.
same teacher training as mentioned above, and all teachers were given a piece of paper with a component - biotic, or abiotic - and then we "wove" the web of life, depending on the relationships between all those components (photosynthesis, predator/prey, water contamination etc.) and then talked about how one action can effect all components. really effective activity. one of our most successful.
the line on the rock is from last year when the lake flooded. Most of the trees around the lake have been scorched by the chemicals and have died. It has left a very interesting landscape behind. We also visited this site as part of the same teacher training.
went on a mini vacation with fellow volunteers and a friend from the states to this beautiful island in the Golfo de Fonseca that is in between El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras. It's a gorgeous, but 1 hour long, motor boat ride from land. Well worth the trip. We stayed with a family to save money, but there is a swank hotel on the island.
I couldn't allow myself to leave this country without mastering the art of the national fast food dish. they're super simple to make - i think they are even easier than tortillas. and hey, if job hunting turns up nothing, I can always open up a pupusa stand in the states!
we are in the final stages of our fuel efficient stove project and with the new stoves installed, we will reduce the use of fire wood, as well as the smoke that issues from the stoves. more pictures later!
I can't not include a photo of her in this group. She makes my tough days less tough and my good days even better. she is becoming more and more well behaved every day - she is a year and a half old, and I think that's a big part of it. Currently kennel shopping so that we can start getting used to it for the big haul!
April 21, 2011
try it, maybe you'll like it
But aren't you scared? You are so valiant to come here and live alone. (the phrase I most often hear is tienes valor and valor means courage or valiance.) I think all volunteers hear these comments a lot, especially the girls, but I've never really stopped to ask myself why Salvadorans might say such things.
Well, first, Peace Corps volunteers really are courageous people. Agreeing to leave friends and family back home for two years to go off to a country, culture and community unlike anything you have probably experienced before. I think the Peace Corps is kind of self-selecting – only courageous people will apply! However, I think Americans in general are also pretty courageous. It's common, normal and often times expected, that children will move out of the house at 18. Going off to college is often a chance to live as far away from your family as possible. We travel by ourselves and seek out new experiences and challenges. Sometimes, it's the little things that show you are “courageous”, like being willing to try a Wendy's Frosty with fries, or bushwack just to prove to yourself you can find your own way.
Now of course being courageous does not mean being stupid, it means taking calculated risks. And, watch out, here comes a gross generalization! most Salvadorans I have met do not exude courageousness in terms of trying new things. It's a culture thing, I believe. Family is the central focus of almost anything that people do, so striking out on your own is not really considered, and as an extension of that, trying new things is not sought out. Of course, there are always exceptions. I think each Peace Corps volunteer could count off a handful of people they know that are courageous in terms of trying new things. But as an example of not trying new things, I give you the following.
The national “carb” (I'm convinced all countries have a national “carb” they are known for – calzone, empanada, gyro, steamed bun, samosa, sub sandwich etc. - and all of them are pretty tasty too!!) and El Salvador is known for pupusas. It's a corn meal dough that is filled with cheese and tasty things like beans, chicken, spinach etc., flattened out like a tortilla and cooked on a griddle 'till piping hot. Salvadorans eat pupusas like it's their job, and thus, Peace Corps volunteers do too. But sometimes we get bored with the same thing, so we invent. Some volunteers have tried making sweet pupusas in their home, often with plain cheese and plantain or something similar. Now suggest such a thing to a Salvadoran, and they give you a face as if you had just suggested that they replace their morning cup of coffee with curdled milk. When you remind them that just that morning they ate fried plantain and tortilla, (essentially the same thing as a pupusa with plantain inside) they will scoff at the idea that you could mix those things before you eat them and that the result would be something tasty! Meh. I tried!
I have had some success stories, though. I was in Wendy's extolling the virtues of a Frosty and fries to yet another person (this might be my life's crusade!*) and as I was emphatically dipping a fry into the chocolatey goodness, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a Salvadoran trying it as well. We made eye contact, he smiled approvingly and went on to share this new delicacy with his table mates. Score one for me!
So with the previous in mind, it's understandable that Salvadorans would say “you are so courageous for living here.” Because to them, we are courageous. But for most of us, this is just seen as yet another new experience to add to our list of accumulated “things I've done”. And part of this courageousness that they place on our heads, stems from the fact that many Salvadorans think their country is besieged with violence and not worthy of people visiting it. This also is a gross generalization, but it's sadly often true. I know of a handful of Salvadorans who live in the States, and when they come back here to visit family and friends, they cut their trip short because they can't stand their own country. Now I must be honest, I don't want to spend my entire life here in El Salvador, but it is a beautiful, interesting and worthwhile place to spend some time getting to know and it pains me that so many Salvadorans don't appreciate their own country. And some of this stems from the fact that they are scared of the violence and situation of delinquency in the country.
Which brings me back to the original question. “Aren't you scared to live alone?” Short answer – no. I am trying to live my life by the sage advice of my dad - “if you're going to worry about something, worry about the things you can control, and not the things you can't.” So when someone asks me – aren't you scared to live alone? I always ask them, “scared of what?” And I never get a response back. Just a general shoulder shrugging, as if to suggest that one should live in fear because that's what you do. But what they mean to say is, “aren't you scared of all the news, every day, of more violence?”
Now, I must be clear, living in El Salvador is not a cake walk, and I understand that violence and fear are a daily reality for the Salvadorans, something that most Americans never have to deal with, or at least not this consistently. But most often the violence is not purely random. There was often some previous clash, or drug related something, but still, random violence does happen. So I understand why they might suggest that “well, it's just violent out there, Carol”. And yes, it may be, but that doesn't mean I'm going to lock myself up in the house with someone else just to feel safer. If something bad is going to happen, it's probably going to happen no matter whom you are living with. Besides, I tell them, I have my dog!
But of course I take precautions, and make sure that I am as safe as I can be, but that doesn't mean I'm going to worry about the things I can't control. Sometimes it surprises me, because for a country with so much fe en Dios, people really do worry about the little things. I would have thought that more people would leave things in God's hands (or whatever larger, guiding force you may believe in). But maybe it's something that takes practice.
And this leads back to being valiant for trying new things. I think the two are related. If you are constantly worrying about things you can't control, you really won't have time or energy to seek out new experiences. So as part of fulfilling the second goal of Peace Corps – to help other countries experience and appreciate American culture (the third goal is to help Americans experience and appreciate other cultures) I try to help Salvadorans step outside their comfort zone and try something new – whether it's getting on a bus and going somewhere they've never been, or even just trying a Frosty with fries! So you, get out there today and try something new, too. And seriously, if you have never had a Frosty with fries, try it!
*No, Wendy's is not sponsoring this blog.
April 4, 2011
project update
I'm sitting in my “office”, a coffee shop with WIFI, about 40 minutes from San Antonio. I come here about once every other week or so to catch up on email, get new NPR and BBC podcasts and generally detox. It's quiet, calm and air conditioned! here so I can actually focus on getting stuff done. Here's an update on what I've got going on right now.
Currently we are in the middle of a teacher training here in San Miguel. Together with 4 other PC volunteers, we are teaching teachers about participatory teaching techniques – dynamic activities, and how to run mini-field trips. The trainings seem to be going well – the teachers are responding and participating, and when we debrief after each session, they also have good pointers and suggestions about how these techniques can be incorporated and modified to fit the realities of each individual school! (success!) We finish up this Saturday with a mini-graduation and presentation of diplomas. We are also planning a larger teacher camp in May where we will go to the northern pueblo of Perquin and do daily field trips and excursions to help teachers see how easy it is to incorporate outdoor experiences in their daily teaching. I was super excited because a couple weeks ago, two teachers that I had invited to a similar teacher training we did last November, wanted to take their second graders on a walk to the river nearby the school and do activities and such there. They invited me to come and participate and I was so happy to be there and super proud of those teachers for doing something new!
Also, we are moving forward with the stove project in the school. We have received funding, and are now in the process of ordering materials, and planning the renovation of the kitchen. We are planning to do most of the work during Easter Break so as not so disturb the preparation of the school provided snack. I am very gratefully to everyone who donated and promise to include before and after photos!
My woman’s group has successfully made their first batch of soap and they are very interested in keeping it going. This first batch was just to test out the recipe and see if they like the product. Also to experiment with different ingredients. The only bummer is that the product requires a month to fully set up, but I told them that if they make soap every week, after the first month of waiting, they will have product becoming available every week! Hopefully they jump on that. They have been very successful with making shampoo, but the main ingredient can only be purchased in San Salvador, a 3 hour bus ride away. For soap, all the ingredients can be purchased in San Antonio! so super easy!
With the eco-club in the school, we are assisting with the school-wide recycling initiative. Before I arrived in San Antonio the school was recycling (selling) soda cans, but this year they have also started selling plastic bottles, paper and also composting. The eco-club is helping remind people to classify the garbage and put each specific type in it's respective place. We have been making posters to put up around the school. It's definitely an up hill battle because habits die hard and most people here are used to just throwing trash on the ground wherever; very rarely does it make it in a garbage can, and almost never is the garbage separated, but we are trying!
I've been helping write grants for two exciting book projects. One is a coloring/activity book all about the environment. Alicea (http://aliceacock-esteb.blogspot.com/) is making the book and has word searches, connect-the-dots, mazes, matching, at-home activities, easy math, and lots of fun coloring! Another volunteer, Nicole, is doing some beautiful picture books with story lines related to the environment – a curious water drop goes on a trip through the water cycle, a melancholy tree learns his importance in the web of life, an intelligent worm helps his fellow worms understand their role in helping a farmer's soil be healthy. Both are incredibly talented and creative artists and we are all very excited to get these books published.
Some trainings are coming up where I have the opportunity to invite some community counterparts to learn about small business development, as well as product elaboration. I have invited two members of the woman's group who have been involved since the beginning, and really the driving force behind the group's energy. Each has great ideas for future projects – aquaponics, selling shampoo in other communities as well, setting up a little cafe in San Antonio etc. So I really want them to attend these trainings and learn how to make the most of their energy, time and investments.
Man it feels good to be working!
January 19, 2011
curbside lessons
Work Hard
Niña Toña was born in the mid to late 40s. She's not sure and at this point she doesn't really care. From her first marriage she had five children, but one of them passed away. Then her husband passed away. She remarried and had one more child, and then husband number two passed away. So she was left to raise her five surviving children by herself. She remembers working in the cafetales (coffee fields) on the San Miguel volcano, basket for cafe in front, and a child strapped to her back. “Those were hard days” she tells me. “But what else could I do? My family had to eat and it was just me.” Her children are all grown now, and one even made it all the way through university. She is rightfully proud of the life she has provided for her children. But she's not just twiddling her thumbs now into her old age. She still works. Every day she makes tortillas to sell and some days she sells 7 dollars worth of tortillas. She hasn't stopped working yet, and she says that she won't stop until she absolutely can't work anymore. She gets too bored if she doesn't work.
Play Hard
However, it's not like Niña Toña only works. She spends a good part of her day visiting friends, vagando as they say. She also goes to almost every vela (wake) and entierro (burial) in the community, as well as every celebracion and vigilia at her church. She's an incredibly religious woman, but she tells me that she also just enjoys the company at the events. It's a chance to visit and check in on lots of people and see how they're doing. When I was new to San Antonio she was the one who took me around, introducing me to people for the entrevistas (interviews). We eventually visited 50 families and stopped there, but not because we ran out of people she knew, it was because I needed to wrap up the diagnostic. She could have kept going day after day taking me to other friends' houses and we probably would have eventually visited all 600 houses in San Antonio. For an old lady she sure does have a good time.
Give Thanks
And almost a year and half later I'm still hanging out with Niña Toña. Sitting on the curb in front of her house that night she asks me if I want a tamale. She won't let me say no. “They're pisque” (filled with beans) she says. “And they're spicy.” Okay, I'm game. She brings back one for each of us and we eat them with our fingers. As we finish eating she says “Gracias a Dios, ya comimos.” (Thanks to God, we've now eaten.) I nod in agreement. While I don't completely agree with whom she's giving thanks to - I mean, she made the tamales! - I do like the idea of giving thanks, and giving it frequently. I think it's important to acknowledge the sources of our continued existence and Niña Toña does so after every meal and cada rato (every chance) during the day. Whether for you that means thanking God, your parents, the United States Government, your own two hands, Mother Earth, or something in between, I think thanksgiving is a good lesson.
Last Lesson
It's become dark in the time we've been sitting on the curb. The neighbors across the street turn on an outside light and we can see again the people walking up and down the street. The same neighbors have twin girls – 3 years old and quite a handful. I guess it's bed time because all of a sudden a great racket starts up from inside their house. I shake my head and chuckle but refrain from commenting on their parenting skills. Niña Toña seems to understand what I'm getting at. She looks over at me, puts her hand on my knee and says to me in a voice that seems to say – you'll understand when you have kids - “No, Carol, it's okay. Kids need to scream a lot when their little. It develops their vocal cords.” Well, I guess no one can be full of sage advice 100% of the time. But Niña Toña sure gets close.
January 15, 2011
a typical day - year two
I'm woken up at 5:30 am by the chickens and dogs. I try to roll back over for some more shut eye. 6 am and the radio station starts praising God at an ungodly volume. I can never actually understand the man, so I just assume that's what he's doing. What else could he be talking about for 30 minutes? I toss and turn, trying to smother the garbled words with my pillow, but to no avail. So I resignedly get out of bed. Besides, it's creeping up to 80 degrees already and I for one don't like sleeping in that kind of weather, so up and at 'em Carol, let's greet the day!
But first I have to acknowledge Monkey. As soon as she hears me stirring, she tries to stick her nose under the mosquito net. Some days she's successful. Most days she's not, so she just lies down to wait. Right where I put my feet. So sometimes I step on her. Oops. As I get up and head to the bathroom, she follows me. Don't know if this is normal dog behavior (and I know it's not a proper conversation topic among gentleman and ladies, but who am I kidding, you guys aren't any of those things!) but she really just likes to sit there while I do my morning business. Sometimes she'll put a paw up on my leg, as if to offer moral support or something, but most of the time she just curls up in a corner for another cat nap and waits for me to move on the next morning task. (I swear, dogs really do sleep about 16 hours a day.)
Lately the winds have been blowing ridiculously hard and frequently, and that combined with the dry season means lots of dust and leaves inside my house every day. So I begin the Sisyphean task of sweeping out all the dust and leaves. And it blows right back in. That, combined with the incredible amount of shedding that goes on in the house means that it's quite impossible to keep the house clean. Oh well. I tried. On to the next task.
The dishes are starting to sprout legs and arms so I decide I should wash them. The first splash of water from the guacal sends the ants and other creepy crawlies that have set up shop scurrying. The frogs hiding in the moistness of the drain pipes come hopping out much to Monkey's everlasting enjoyment and I get on with the washing.
Then I proceed to water the worms. Yes, the worms. I have a worm box where I put all my kitchen scraps, save for meats, fats and oil etc. The worms are a happy as pigs in mud, or worms in dirt I guess, eating away at all the awesomeness I throw in there. And for little to no work, I get organic fertilizer. Well, except I have to water them. Which if anybody were walking by and saw me dumping water into a box full of dirt that never seems to be sprouting anything, they meet just consider me even crazier than they already think I am.
So with all those tasks out of the way, it's on to my workout – thanks Jillian Michaels for proving that it IS possible for me to sweat even more than I thought I could! Oh and she's right, she will get you 6 pack abs if you follow her workouts religiously. Mine are still hiding in the little blue igloo cooler, but not as much as before. So onward shredded one!
Next is breakfast, with Monkey underfoot, hoping that just this once the delicious creation will be for her and not the food from that stinkin' bag of dry dog food! It's now about 9 o'clock or so and time to do some real work. The new school year is just around the corner, so I've been heading to school to help the teachers get the classrooms ready for students. It feels like kindergarten because it's lots of cutting and tracing and gluing up decorations and signs around the rooms. Just the type of “creative” things that I'm good at, so yay for artistic therapy!
In the afternoon I head back to my house where I work on project ideas, proposals, calendars or paperwork. I also spend some time reading, and every once and a while I have to test out the hammocks just to make sure they are still functioning. Because even though the siesta is not an officially recognized pasttime in this country, I think it's a shame to lose this marvelous tradition and am doing my part to bring it back! So I practice my hammock napping skills and then it's time for my afternoon rounds. I go to visit my neighbors in the women's group and we chat about future or current projects. How their shampoo is going, what they want to learn next etc. Evening rolls around with the cool breezes – the plus of being in a desert, the sun goes down and the temperature drops about 10 degrees. So that's my time to be out and about. I visit until I'm hungry and then I excuse myself and head home.
Once home, I make dinner, then relax and read as late as I want. But not too late. Cause I need to get my sleep so that I can get up at 5:30 again when the rooster crows!
January 7, 2011
2011 - the year to get things done!
I am back in El Salvador after visiting family in the United States for Christmas (and what a great time I had - thanks to you all!) So I'm well rested and ready to get started. School begins soon and I'm looking forward to working again with students, teachers and the Salvadoran version of the school's P.T.A. I hope to move forward with getting fuel efficient stoves in the school kitchen, as well as getting all the teachers trained in interactive teaching techniques that they can then apply to their lessons with all students. Last year the trainings were geared more towards science teachers, but I think I feel comfortable incorporating all teachers. Besides, not all teachers will go for it, and this way the trainings are more likely to have some sort of impact on more teachers, and therefore more students. And the more people we can effect, the better!
The women's group is going well, but I'd like to formalize the purpose a little bit - emotional support group, small income generation, time to just sit and chat or what? And all of those things are important, and we should probably do all, and can do all, at the same time, but I'd still like to formalize something. Not sure if that means a mission statement, but I think we'll let it work itself out. On another note, I'm so proud of them all because while I was gone in the states I was afraid things would kind of fall apart, but some women kept making shampoo to sell and they even contacted someone to give them jewelry making classes. Yay for self motivated people!
The other project I'd really like to more forward with involved something that the Japanese volunteers in San Antonio have been trying to make happen for over 3 years now. San Antonio has tried twice to get garbage collection going and both times the service has failed because it was not financially solvent. I'm hoping that I can inject some energy and new ideas and convince people to try another time. We are going to try and get a subsidized price at the landfill, as well as educate residents about the type of trash they put out to be collected so that people aren't throwing away 3 50pound bags of garbage a week! (And the fee is a paltry $3 a month for pickup - that barely even covers the dumping fee at the landfill, let alone gas and paying the driver's and collectors' wages.)
Together with other volunteers, we are planning more regional teacher trainings, as well as a kids environmental camp. I like these kind of projects because they get me out of San Antonio - because even though it's on the larger size in terms of Peace Corps placements in El Salvador, it still feels like a fish bowl. Also, it's nice working with other volunteers because the energy involved is different. Not necessarily better than working with Salvadorans, just different. And that change of pace is really appreciated when things seem to be getting bogged down. It also involves lots of networking as well as grant writing and I know those skills will pay off in the future. So lots of fun ideas and projects in the starting gate. Just wanted to let you in on them all. Now to get crackin!